Interface Branch

All Superinterfaces:
AbstractUserAction, org.eclipse.emf.cdo.CDOObject,, Entity, EObject, de.uka.ipd.sdq.identifier.Identifier, NamedElement, Notifier, PCMBaseClass, PCMClass
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Branch extends AbstractUserAction
A representation of the model object 'Branch'. A Branch splits the user flow with a XOR-semantic: one of the included BranchTransitions is taken depending on the specified branch probabilities. Each BranchTransition contains a nested ScenarioBehaviour, which a user executes once this branch transition is chosen. After execution of the complete nested ScenarioBehaviour, the next action in the user flow after the Branch is its successor action. A constraint ensures that all branchProbabilities of the included BranchTransitions sum up to 1.

The following features are supported:

See Also:
Generated class or method.
EMF model class or method.
annotation=" constraints='allBranchProbabilitiesMustSumUpTo1'" annotation=" allBranchProbabilitiesMustSumUpTo1='self->collect(branchTransitions_Branch.branchProbability)->sum() > 0.999 and self->collect(branchTransitions_Branch.branchProbability)->sum() <1.001'"