All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ComponentParametersEditorSection, EventFilterEditorSection, EventTypesEditorSection, InfrastructureSignaturesEditorSection, OperationsEditorSection

public abstract class EditorSection extends Object implements Observer
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • EditorSection

      public EditorSection(Composite composite)
  • Method Details

    • createToolBar

      protected ToolBar createToolBar()
    • createTableSection

      protected void createTableSection(ToolBar toolBar)
      Create the section with Table and TableViewer.
    • createTableColumns

      protected abstract void createTableColumns(Table table)
      Create the table columns.
    • inputValidation

      protected abstract boolean inputValidation(EObject eObject)
    • setDeleteButtonListener

      protected void setDeleteButtonListener(TableViewer viewer)
      Create a SelectionListener for the Add-Button and set him to TableViewer as 'SelectionChangedListener'. Thus those becomes available element, which was selected in the TableViewer, for the DeleteAction
      viewer - instance of TableViewer
    • setViewerCellModifier

      protected void setViewerCellModifier(TableViewer viewer)
      Create a ICellModifier for TableViewer with 'EditorSection' as Observer for him.
      viewer - instance of TableViewer
    • createDeleteButtonListener

      protected abstract SelectionListener createDeleteButtonListener()
      Set a SelectionListener for the Delete-Button
    • getTableColumnNames

      protected abstract String[] getTableColumnNames()
    • canAddButonCreated

      protected abstract boolean canAddButonCreated()
    • canDeleteButonCreated

      protected abstract boolean canDeleteButonCreated()
    • createViewerCellEditors

      protected abstract CellEditor[] createViewerCellEditors(Table table)
      Create a CellEditors for Viewer.
    • createViewerCellModifier

      protected abstract ObservableCellModifier createViewerCellModifier()
    • setViewerCellModifier

      public void setViewerCellModifier(ICellModifier modifier)
      Set a CellModifier for TabelViewer.
    • addViewerSelectionChangedListener

      public void addViewerSelectionChangedListener(ISelectionChangedListener listener)
    • createAddButtonActionListener

      protected abstract SelectionListener createAddButtonActionListener()
      Create a SelectionListener for the Add-Button
    • setViewerInput

      public void setViewerInput(Object input)
      Set a input for the TableViewer
    • setViewerContentProvider

      public void setViewerContentProvider(IContentProvider contentProvider)
      Set a ContentProvider for the TableViewer
    • setViewerLabelProvider

      public void setViewerLabelProvider(IBaseLabelProvider labelProvider)
      Set a LabelProvider for the TableViewer
    • refresh

      public void refresh()
    • setDeleteButtonEnabled

      protected void setDeleteButtonEnabled(boolean enabled)
    • getSelectedObject

      public EObject getSelectedObject()
    • getViewer

      public TableViewer getViewer()
    • update

      public void update(Observable o, Object arg)
      Specified by:
      update in interface Observer