Package org.palladiosimulator.editors.commons.dialogs.parameters
package org.palladiosimulator.editors.commons.dialogs.parameters
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ClassesClassDescriptionThe class define an action, which a new parameter for the signature adds.This class create a dialog area for Parameter-, DataTypeDialog.The class define an action, which a parameter for the signature delete.This adapter class provides default implementations for the methods described by the SelectionListener interface to downItem - Button in the ParameterDialog.The class delegates straight in the active View selected object on the subclass.The class define the CellModifire for the ParametersDialog.The Class ParametersDialog.This class is a decorator for the generated EMF.Edit item providers.A factory for creating ParametersItemProviderAdapter objects.Utility class for parameter handling.The class defines a CellEditor, for which the call of DataTypeDialog makes possible.The Class place the validate methods for CompositeDataType and Parameters(Signature) editor area.This adapter class provides default implementations for the methods described by the SelectionListener interface to upItem - Button in the ParameterDialog.