Class AllocationItemProviderAdapterFactory

    • Field Detail

      • parentAdapterFactory

        protected ComposedAdapterFactory parentAdapterFactory
        This keeps track of the root adapter factory that delegates to this adapter factory.
        Generated class or method.
      • childCreationExtenderManager

        protected ChildCreationExtenderManager childCreationExtenderManager
        This helps manage the child creation extenders.
        Generated class or method.
      • supportedTypes

        protected Collection<Object> supportedTypes
        This keeps track of all the supported types checked by isFactoryForType.
        Generated class or method.
      • allocationContextItemProvider

        protected AllocationContextItemProvider allocationContextItemProvider
        This keeps track of the one adapter used for all AllocationContext instances.
        Generated class or method.
      • allocationItemProvider

        protected AllocationItemProvider allocationItemProvider
        This keeps track of the one adapter used for all Allocation instances.
        Generated class or method.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AllocationItemProviderAdapterFactory

        public AllocationItemProviderAdapterFactory()
        This constructs an instance.
        Generated class or method.