Class PalladioSelectEObjectDialog

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class PalladioSelectEObjectDialog
    extends de.uka.ipd.sdq.dialogs.selection.SelectEObjectDialog
    The Class PalladioSelectEObjectDialog.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PalladioSelectEObjectDialog

        public PalladioSelectEObjectDialog​(Shell parent,
                                           Collection<Object> filterList,
                                           Collection<EReference> additionalChildReferences,
                                           Object input)
        Creates a selection dialog.
        parent - Shell of active workbench window
        filterList - Objects to show (positive filter). Also include respective super types here
        additionalChildReferences - Usually this should be the EReference which should be set
        input - ResourceSet or object of which resource set should be taken
      • PalladioSelectEObjectDialog

        public PalladioSelectEObjectDialog​(Shell parent,
                                           Collection<Object> filterList,
                                           Object input)
        Instantiates a new Palladio select EObject dialog.
        parent - the parent
        filterList - the filter list
        input - the input
    • Method Detail

      • getInputDialogResourceName

        protected static String getInputDialogResourceName​(Collection<Object> filterList)