All Classes and Interfaces

An abstract anchor which calculates the location of its anchorPoint dependent of its figures orientation.
A translation inbetween rectangle bounds.
Edit Part for rotatable image : switch mode ROTATION or IMAGE, rotate the specific image or display four images in North South East and West.
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle
A Sirius action that is used to add an ArchitecturalTemplate Role to the System it is applied to.
This class applies an ArchitecturalTemplate to a System.
A command.
A sirius action for selecting and applying a Profile to the Resource of the selected EObject.
A sirius action for selecting and applying a Stereotype to the selected object.
Ui Element to present the description of the palladio model templates.
Provides a slidable anchor located on a diamond shaped border.
Modified version of EditorSection to suit the properties sheet of the Sirius Editors
Abstract class used to edit a probability using the Direct Edit Label.
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle
Editor section for infrastructure signatures.
Configures custom edit policy for linking resources, i.e., it opens appropriate dialogs for setting latencies, throughput, etc.
This External Java Action loads resources from URIs passed as parameters
Triggers a custom validation that shows errors for semantic elements that do not have a diagram element representation FIXME: needed only until is fixed.
A value command.
A wizard to create a new palladio model according to a chosen template.
The "New" wizard page allows setting the container for the new file as well as the file name.
Describe image extension.
External java action that opens representations of the selected element if they already exist or creates a new representation and opens it if none exists.
An enum that codes the orientation of the image or the side the BorderedNode is attached to.
Provides an anchor with specified offset of the oriented sides center.
Provides an alphabased anchor pointing to the center of the oriented half.
An AbstractRotatableImageEditPart that rotates the image based on the position relative to its parent.
This is an AnchorProvider which decorates another AnchorProvider with an additional Offset.
registers a ResourceSetListener on the TransactionalEditingDomain of the passed EObject.
A Sirius action that is used to remove an ArchitecturalTemplate Role from a System.
This class applies an ArchitecturalTemplate to a System.
This external java action is used in resourceenvironment.odesign in the Network section to delete a connector between a LinkingResource and a ResourceContainer.
TODO autogenerated class to prevent exceptions (class was already referenced from extension point)
This class is a workaround for unexpected Sirius behavior and should be removed as soon as possible.
A BorderItemLocatorProvider responsible for elements that are parents of Roles.
Listener on rotatable image : refresh the image if figure moves or changes.
Specific Edit Part Provider for rotatable image
Rotatable Workspace Image Figure : switch mode ROTATION or IMAGE, rotate the specific image or display four images in North South East and West.
This is mostly a copy of ValidateAction, except the method getDSemanticDecorator(EObject, DiagramEditPart) has been changed to include markers on the containers of semantic elements that do not have an own representation element.
Class containing some useful static methods to work with Sirius
A label provider for the Architectural templates.
Provides content from a Map<Catalog, List<AT> or for some collection that is accepted by ArrayContentProvider.getElements(Object) to a TreeViewer.