All Classes
Class Summary Class Description AllocationActionBarContributor This is the action bar contributor for the Allocation model editor.AllocationEditor This is an example of a Allocation model editor.AllocationModelWizard This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.CompositionActionBarContributor This is the action bar contributor for the Composition model editor.CompositionEditor This is an example of a Composition model editor.CompositionModelWizard This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.CoreActionBarContributor This is the action bar contributor for the Core model editor.CoreEditor This is an example of a Core model editor.CoreModelWizard This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.EntityActionBarContributor This is the action bar contributor for the Entity model editor.EntityEditor This is an example of a Entity model editor.EntityModelWizard This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.PalladioComponentModelEditorPlugin This is the central singleton for the PalladioComponentModel editor plugin.PalladioComponentModelEditorPlugin.Implementation The actual implementation of the Eclipse Plugin.ParameterActionBarContributor This is the action bar contributor for the Parameter model editor.ParameterEditor This is an example of a Parameter model editor.ParameterModelWizard This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.PcmActionBarContributor This is the action bar contributor for the Pcm model editor.PcmEditor This is an example of a Pcm model editor.PcmModelWizard This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.QosannotationsActionBarContributor This is the action bar contributor for the Qosannotations model editor.QosannotationsEditor This is an example of a Qosannotations model editor.QosannotationsModelWizard This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.QosPerformanceActionBarContributor This is the action bar contributor for the QosPerformance model editor.QosPerformanceEditor This is an example of a QosPerformance model editor.QosPerformanceModelWizard This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.QosReliabilityActionBarContributor This is the action bar contributor for the QosReliability model editor.QosReliabilityEditor This is an example of a QosReliability model editor.QosReliabilityModelWizard This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.ReliabilityActionBarContributor This is the action bar contributor for the Reliability model editor.ReliabilityEditor This is an example of a Reliability model editor.ReliabilityModelWizard This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.RepositoryActionBarContributor This is the action bar contributor for the Repository model editor.RepositoryEditor This is an example of a Repository model editor.RepositoryModelWizard This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.ResourceenvironmentActionBarContributor This is the action bar contributor for the Resourceenvironment model editor.ResourceenvironmentEditor This is an example of a Resourceenvironment model editor.ResourceenvironmentModelWizard This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.ResourcetypeActionBarContributor This is the action bar contributor for the Resourcetype model editor.ResourcetypeEditor This is an example of a Resourcetype model editor.ResourcetypeModelWizard This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.SeffActionBarContributor This is the action bar contributor for the Seff model editor.SeffEditor This is an example of a Seff model editor.SeffModelWizard This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.SeffPerformanceActionBarContributor This is the action bar contributor for the SeffPerformance model editor.SeffPerformanceEditor This is an example of a SeffPerformance model editor.SeffPerformanceModelWizard This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.SeffReliabilityActionBarContributor This is the action bar contributor for the SeffReliability model editor.SeffReliabilityEditor This is an example of a SeffReliability model editor.SeffReliabilityModelWizard This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.SubsystemActionBarContributor This is the action bar contributor for the Subsystem model editor.SubsystemEditor This is an example of a Subsystem model editor.SubsystemModelWizard This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.SystemActionBarContributor This is the action bar contributor for the System model editor.SystemEditor This is an example of a System model editor.SystemModelWizard This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.UsagemodelActionBarContributor This is the action bar contributor for the Usagemodel model editor.UsagemodelEditor This is an example of a Usagemodel model editor.UsagemodelModelWizard This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.