Interface ExperimentDataFactoryGen
- All Superinterfaces:
- All Known Subinterfaces:
- All Known Implementing Classes:
The Factory for the model.
It provides a create method for each non-abstract class of the model.
- See Also:
- Generated class or method.
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final ExperimentDataFactory
The singleton instance of the factory. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionReturns a new object of class 'Aggregation Statistics'.<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>
DoubleBinaryMeasurements<Q>Returns a new object of class 'Double Binary Measurements'.Returns a new object of class 'Experiment Group'.Returns a new object of class 'Experiment Group Run'.Returns a new object of class 'Experiment Run'.Returns a new object of class 'Experiment Setting'.Returns a new object of class 'Fixed Intervals'.Returns a new object of class 'Fixed Width Aggregated Measurements'.Returns a new object of class 'Identifier Based Measurements'.Returns a new object of class 'JS Xml Measurements'.Returns a new object of class 'Long Binary Measurements'.Returns a new object of class 'Measurement'.Returns a new object of class 'Measurement Range'.Returns a new object of class 'Measuring Type'.Returns a new object of class 'Numerical Interval Statistics'.Returns a new object of class 'Numerical Mass Distribution'.Returns a new object of class 'Numerical Nominal Statistics'.Returns a new object of class 'Numerical Ordinal Statistics'.Returns a new object of class 'Numerical Percentile'.Returns a new object of class 'Numerical Ratio Statistics'.Returns a new object of class 'Raw Measurements'.Returns a new object of class 'Textual Mass Distribution'.Returns a new object of class 'Textual Nominal Statistics'.Returns a new object of class 'Textual Ordinal Statistics'.Returns the package supported by this factory.Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EFactory
convertToString, create, createFromString, getEPackage, setEPackage
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EModelElement
getEAnnotation, getEAnnotations
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject
eAllContents, eClass, eContainer, eContainingFeature, eContainmentFeature, eContents, eCrossReferences, eGet, eGet, eInvoke, eIsProxy, eIsSet, eResource, eSet, eUnset
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier
eAdapters, eDeliver, eNotify, eSetDeliver
Field Details
The singleton instance of the factory.- Generated class or method.
Method Details
MeasurementRange createMeasurementRange()Returns a new object of class 'Measurement Range'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Measurement Range'.
- Generated class or method.
RawMeasurements createRawMeasurements()Returns a new object of class 'Raw Measurements'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Raw Measurements'.
- Generated class or method.
NumericalNominalStatistics createNumericalNominalStatistics()Returns a new object of class 'Numerical Nominal Statistics'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Numerical Nominal Statistics'.
- Generated class or method.
NumericalMassDistribution createNumericalMassDistribution()Returns a new object of class 'Numerical Mass Distribution'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Numerical Mass Distribution'.
- Generated class or method.
FixedWidthAggregatedMeasurements createFixedWidthAggregatedMeasurements()Returns a new object of class 'Fixed Width Aggregated Measurements'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Fixed Width Aggregated Measurements'.
- Generated class or method.
FixedIntervals createFixedIntervals()Returns a new object of class 'Fixed Intervals'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Fixed Intervals'.
- Generated class or method.
TextualNominalStatistics createTextualNominalStatistics()Returns a new object of class 'Textual Nominal Statistics'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Textual Nominal Statistics'.
- Generated class or method.
TextualMassDistribution createTextualMassDistribution()Returns a new object of class 'Textual Mass Distribution'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Textual Mass Distribution'.
- Generated class or method.
ExperimentGroup createExperimentGroup()Returns a new object of class 'Experiment Group'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Experiment Group'.
- Generated class or method.
ExperimentSetting createExperimentSetting()Returns a new object of class 'Experiment Setting'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Experiment Setting'.
- Generated class or method.
ExperimentRun createExperimentRun()Returns a new object of class 'Experiment Run'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Experiment Run'.
- Generated class or method.
Measurement createMeasurement()Returns a new object of class 'Measurement'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Measurement'.
- Generated class or method.
MeasuringType createMeasuringType()Returns a new object of class 'Measuring Type'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Measuring Type'.
- Generated class or method.
AggregationStatistics createAggregationStatistics()Returns a new object of class 'Aggregation Statistics'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Aggregation Statistics'.
- Generated class or method.
<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> DoubleBinaryMeasurements<Q> createDoubleBinaryMeasurements()Returns a new object of class 'Double Binary Measurements'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Double Binary Measurements'.
- Generated class or method.
NumericalIntervalStatistics createNumericalIntervalStatistics()Returns a new object of class 'Numerical Interval Statistics'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Numerical Interval Statistics'.
- Generated class or method.
NumericalOrdinalStatistics createNumericalOrdinalStatistics()Returns a new object of class 'Numerical Ordinal Statistics'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Numerical Ordinal Statistics'.
- Generated class or method.
NumericalPercentile createNumericalPercentile()Returns a new object of class 'Numerical Percentile'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Numerical Percentile'.
- Generated class or method.
JSXmlMeasurements createJSXmlMeasurements()Returns a new object of class 'JS Xml Measurements'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'JS Xml Measurements'.
- Generated class or method.
LongBinaryMeasurements createLongBinaryMeasurements()Returns a new object of class 'Long Binary Measurements'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Long Binary Measurements'.
- Generated class or method.
IdentifierBasedMeasurements createIdentifierBasedMeasurements()Returns a new object of class 'Identifier Based Measurements'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Identifier Based Measurements'.
- Generated class or method.
NumericalRatioStatistics createNumericalRatioStatistics()Returns a new object of class 'Numerical Ratio Statistics'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Numerical Ratio Statistics'.
- Generated class or method.
TextualOrdinalStatistics createTextualOrdinalStatistics()Returns a new object of class 'Textual Ordinal Statistics'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Textual Ordinal Statistics'.
- Generated class or method.
ExperimentGroupRun createExperimentGroupRun()Returns a new object of class 'Experiment Group Run'.- Returns:
- a new object of class 'Experiment Group Run'.
- Generated class or method.
ExperimentDataPackage getExperimentDataPackage()Returns the package supported by this factory.- Returns:
- the package supported by this factory.
- Generated class or method.