All Known Implementing Classes:
DynamicTimeWarpingExtension, EditDistanceOnRealSequenceExtension

public interface PropertyAccess
This interface must be implemented by a DistanceMetricExtension, if properties of the distance metric algorithm should be displayed by the UI.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getPropertiesWidget(Composite parent, int style)
    Must return a self-implemented PropertiesWidget, which can set the properties of its distance metric.
  • Method Details

    • getPropertiesWidget

      PropertiesWidget getPropertiesWidget(Composite parent, int style)
      Must return a self-implemented PropertiesWidget, which can set the properties of its distance metric.
      parent - Composite, the properties should be drawn on.
      style - Style of the DynamicTimeWarpingProperties which inherits ScrolledComposite widget.
      A self-implemented PropertiesWidget to be displayed in the UI.