Interface Edp2Dao

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean canClose()
      Checks if the connection of this DAO to the data store can be closed.
      boolean canDelete()
      Checks if the data managed by this DAO can be permanently deleted.
      boolean canOpen()
      Checks if the data store which is accessed by this DAO is available and can be opened using open().
      void close()
      Closes the connection to the data store.
      void delete()
      Deletes all of the stored data.
      void flush()
      Write all non-persisted data to disk.
      boolean isDeleted()
      Returns if the referenced data has been deleted.
      boolean isOpen()
      Returns if data is accessible or not.
      void open()
      Opens the connection to the data store and makes it's data accessible.
    • Method Detail

      • canOpen

        boolean canOpen()
        Checks if the data store which is accessed by this DAO is available and can be opened using open().
        true if the data store is available, false otherwise.
      • canClose

        boolean canClose()
        Checks if the connection of this DAO to the data store can be closed.
        true if it can be closed, false otherwise.
      • canDelete

        boolean canDelete()
        Checks if the data managed by this DAO can be permanently deleted.
        true if delete() can be called, false otherwise.
      • isOpen

        boolean isOpen()
        Returns if data is accessible or not.
        true if the connection is open and data is accessible.
      • isDeleted

        boolean isDeleted()
        Returns if the referenced data has been deleted.
        true if the data has been delete.
      • flush

        void flush()
        Write all non-persisted data to disk.