Interface MeasuringType

  • All Superinterfaces:
    org.eclipse.emf.cdo.CDOObject,, EObject, de.uka.ipd.sdq.identifier.Identifier, Notifier
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface MeasuringType
    extends de.uka.ipd.sdq.identifier.Identifier
    A representation of the model object 'Measuring Type'. Describes and specifies the measure used. Needs  to be  ;subclassed to create concrete Measures which can  handle specific  data. Measures are attached to ExperimentGroup  and referenced  from ExperimentSetting to allow modeling that  the same  ;Measure is used throughout several experiment settings. An Edp2Measure can have one or more dimensions (see also the attribute metric).

    Characterizes the reading point how the measurements are  collected . The Characerization is propertyable if additional context -specific information should be stored for the sensor.

    For example measuring the response time of a request  ;to a system in milliseconds could result in the  following values of the attributes: metric= 'Response Time', measuredObject='System External Requests', and unitOfMeasurements='ms'. Another example is the number of lines of code of the class java.lang.System: metric='LOC', measuredObject='Class java.lang.System', and unitOfMeasurement='Positive Intege r ' .

    The following features are supported:

    See Also:
    Generated class or method.
    EMF model class or method.