Class DiscoverLocalDirectoryPage

    • Constructor Detail

      • DiscoverLocalDirectoryPage

        public DiscoverLocalDirectoryPage()
    • Method Detail

      • createControl

        public void createControl​(Composite parent)
      • createDirectoryInputSection

        public void createDirectoryInputSection​(Composite container,
                                                String modelFileLabel,
                                                Text textFileNameToLoad)
        Creates a section in the parent container for selection files. Creates a Group with a label. Inside the group, a text field for the file with the given extension, a button to load from the workspace and a button to load from the file system are displayed.
        container - The parent container
        modelFileLabel - The label of the section around the file input text field
        textFileNameToLoad - The text field that contains the filename. Its parent will be reset to the appropriate group within this method.
      • getRepositoryOnFinish

        public Repository getRepositoryOnFinish()