Class RepositoryManager

  • public class RepositoryManager
    extends Object
    Utility class to manage repositories.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RepositoryManager

        public RepositoryManager()
    • Method Detail

      • addRepository

        public static void addRepository​(Repositories repos,
                                         Repository newRepo)
        Adds a repository to the list of repositories. The repository is automatically opened, if possible.
        repos - The currently available repositories.
        newRepo - The new repository to add.
      • removeRepository

        public static void removeRepository​(Repositories repos,
                                            Repository repo)
        Removes a repository from the given list of the available repositories. The repository is automatically closed, if possible.
        repos - The currently available repositories.
        repo - The repository to remove.
      • getCentralRepository

        public static Repositories getCentralRepository()
        Provides access to a central repository. Convenience function to provide access to a singleton which can then be managed.
        Reference to the central repository.
      • getRepositoryFromUUID

        public static Repository getRepositoryFromUUID​(String uuid)
        Returns Repository with given UUID from central repository.
        Reference to the repository with given UUID. Null if not found.