Interface MeasurementsDaoFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:
LocalDirectoryMeasurementsDaoFactory, MeasurementsDaoFactoryImpl, MemoryMeasurementsDaoFactory

public interface MeasurementsDaoFactory
Factory for creating DataAccessObjects (DAOs) for measurement data.
  • Method Details

    • createDoubleMeasurementsDao

      <Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> BinaryMeasurementsDao<Double,Q> createDoubleMeasurementsDao(String uuid)
      Creates a DAO to access measured data of type double.
      uuid - UUID of the AbstractMeasureProvider.
      DAO for the measurements with the specified uuid.
    • createDoubleMeasurementsDao

      <Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> BinaryMeasurementsDao<Double,Q> createDoubleMeasurementsDao(String uuid, javax.measure.unit.Unit<Q> storageUnit)
      Creates a DAO to access measured data of type double.
      uuid - UUID of the AbstractMeasureProvider.
      storageUnit - Unit in which the measurements will be stored.
      DAO for the measurements with the specified uuid.
    • createLongMeasurementsDao

      <Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> BinaryMeasurementsDao<Long,Q> createLongMeasurementsDao(String uuid)
      Creates a DAO to access measured data of type long.
      uuid - UUID of the AbstractMeasureProvider.
      DAO for the measurements with the specified uuid.
    • createLongMeasurementsDao

      <Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> BinaryMeasurementsDao<Long,Q> createLongMeasurementsDao(String uuid, javax.measure.unit.Unit<Q> storageUnit)
      Creates a DAO to access measured data of type long.
      uuid - UUID of the AbstractMeasureProvider.
      storageUnit - Unit in which the measurements will be stored.
      DAO for the measurements with the specified uuid.
    • createNominalMeasurementsDao

      BinaryMeasurementsDao<org.palladiosimulator.metricspec.Identifier,javax.measure.quantity.Dimensionless> createNominalMeasurementsDao(String uuid, org.palladiosimulator.metricspec.TextualBaseMetricDescription metric, javax.measure.unit.Unit<javax.measure.quantity.Dimensionless> one)
      Creates a DAO to access measured data of type nominal measurement.
      uuid - UUID of the AbstractMeasureProvider.
      one -
      DAO for the measurements with the specified uuid.
    • createNominalMeasurementsDao

      BinaryMeasurementsDao<org.palladiosimulator.metricspec.Identifier,javax.measure.quantity.Dimensionless> createNominalMeasurementsDao(String uuid, org.palladiosimulator.metricspec.TextualBaseMetricDescription metric)
    • createJScienceXmlMeasurementsDao

      <Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> JScienceXmlMeasurementsDao<?,Q> createJScienceXmlMeasurementsDao(String uuid)
      Creates a DAO to access measured data of type nominal measurement.
      uuid - UUID of the AbstractMeasureProvider.
      DAO for the measurements with the specified uuid.
    • getDaoRegistry

      MeasurementsDaoRegistry getDaoRegistry()
      Returns the DAO registry of this factory.
      The registry in which all elements of this factory are registered.
    • isActive

      boolean isActive()
      Checks if this factory is active. Active means it can be used to generate the requested DAOs. If the connection to the data store is closed it should become inactive.
      true> if this factory is active and all method can be used.
    • setActive

      void setActive(boolean newValue)
      Allows to activate the factory.
      newValue - true if the factory should be activated.