Package org.palladiosimulator.edp2.distancemetrics.ui
package org.palladiosimulator.edp2.distancemetrics.ui
ClassesClassDescriptionThe activator class controls the plug-in life cycleThis is a listener, that controls the behavior of the calculate button depending on if R is started or not and if a distance metric is selected from the drop down menu or not.Creates a listener for the combo drop down that contains the distance metrics.This class is loaded during startup of an Eclipse instance and loads all extensions which are connected to the extension point org.palladiosimulator.edp2.distancemetrics.ui If there is an issue with the extension (e.g.This class creates the UI interface for the distance metric section in a tab.A list which shows the all measurements from the selected visualization.This class is for little jobs only, where no other class seems to be responsible.