All Classes and Interfaces

The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle
An implementation of ISlidingWindowMoveOnStrategy that discards all the measurements which are prior to the new lower bound of the SlidingWindow after it moved on.
Implementation of a trivial ISlidingWindowMoveOnStrategy which just discards all the window data once it moves on.
This interface has to be implemented that want to observe SlidingWindows.
Each window instance has an attached ISlidingWindowMoveOnStrategy that defines how the collected data (i.e., the measurements) are adjusted when the window moves forward.
An implementation of ISlidingWindowMoveOnStrategy that keeps exactly one measurement that is prior to the new lower bound of the SlidingWindow after it moved on.
This class is an implementation of a fixed length sliding window.
Purpose of this window is to collect measurements of a certain kind that occur within the window length.
This class is the base class of all ISlidingWindowListener that aggregate/process the measurements collected by a SlidingWindow once it is full (i.e., it moved on).
In terms of signal processing and time series analysis/statistics, this class can be thought of as a base class for any moving average implementation.
This class is a specialized SlidingWindowUtilizationAggregator implementation which calculates the utilization or, (which is more precisely in the scope of this class), the average load) of an active resource based on a sequence of (point in time, state of active resource) or (point in time, utilization of active resource) tuples collected by a SlidingWindow by employing the algorithm that is used in the Linux kernel to compute the average load (Details of this algorithm can be found in this paper, or more succinctly, in this presentation both due to Neil Gunther).
This class implements a Recorder which writes incoming data into a sliding window rather than passing it on to a persistence framework like EDP2.
This class is a SlidingWindowAggregator implementation which calculates the utilization of an active resource based on a sequence of (point in time, state of active resource) or (point in time, utilization of active resource) tuples collected by a SlidingWindow.
This class is a moving average implementation that calculates the utilization of an active resource based on a set of (point in time, state of active resource) tuple measurements, or,
in case of a multi-core resource, based on a set of (point in time, 'overall' utilization of active resource) tuple measurements.
That is, when being applied to an IDataSource that provides measurements adhering to this metric, this filter outputs a set of subsequent (point in time, utilization) tuples.
This class contains properties to configure the behavior of UtilizationFilters.