Interface IGenericCalculatorFactory

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
CalculatorProbeSetBasedInferingCalculatorFactory, ExtensibleCalculatorFactoryDelegatingFactory, RegisterCalculatorFactoryDecorator

public interface IGenericCalculatorFactory
Factory interface to create calculator objects. This factory was created to support extending calculators for additional metrics, as well as provide new types of calculators.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    buildCalculator(org.palladiosimulator.metricspec.MetricDescription metric, org.palladiosimulator.edp2.models.measuringpoint.MeasuringPoint measuringPoint, CalculatorProbeSet probeConfiguration)
    Creates a new Calculator for the given MetricDescription
  • Method Details

    • buildCalculator

      Calculator buildCalculator(org.palladiosimulator.metricspec.MetricDescription metric, org.palladiosimulator.edp2.models.measuringpoint.MeasuringPoint measuringPoint, CalculatorProbeSet probeConfiguration)
      Creates a new Calculator for the given MetricDescription
      metric - the metric which is calculated based on the probe measurements.
      measuringPoint - the measuring point where this calculator is used
      probeConfiguration - the configuration of probes required by the calculator of the metric.
      the desired calculator