Package org.palladiosimulator.probeframework.calculator.internal
package org.palladiosimulator.probeframework.calculator.internal
The Probe Framework provides a factory class (@see DefaultCalculatorFactory)
to create calculator objects. Concrete calculators are collected in this
internal package. Accessing it without using the factory class is impossible
(in OSGI, classes of internal packages are not exported).
Note that the main super class of all calculators is the abstract class
ClassesClassDescriptionCalculates the waiting time for resources in environments where the stop of the waiting period cannot be observed directly.Calculates a time span representing the holding time as defined by the HOLDING_TIME_METRIC_TUPLE.Identity calculators are unary calculators that directly let probe measurements pass through.Calculates a time span representing the response time as defined by the RESPONSE_TIME_METRIC_TUPLE.Time span calculators calculate a time span.This abstract class represents a unary calculator.Calculates a time span representing the waiting time as defined by the WAITING_TIME_METRIC_TUPLE.