All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
ASimpleActiveResource |
Represents an abstract active resource for demonstration purposes.
ASimplePassiveResource |
Represents an abstract passive resource for demonstration purposes.
BasicEventProbe<EventSourceType,V,Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> |
Basic event probes refer to exactly one base metric description, thus, specializing the general
event probe.
BasicObjectStateProbe<StateObjectType,V,Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> |
This class realizes a basic triggered probe that observes an object's state, thus, additionally
maintaining an observeredStateObject member variable.
BasicTriggeredProbe<V,Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> |
Implements the doMeasure method by returning a BasicMeasurement , i.e.,
a measurement for a BaseMetricDescription .
Calculator |
This class is the abstract super class for all calculator implementations.
CalculatorException |
This Exception arises if something during the execution of a calculator went wrong.
CalculatorRegistryListener |
Clients can register with the calculator registry to be notified upon
DefaultCalculatorFactory |
Default implementation of ICalculatorFactory.
DemandBasedWaitingTimeCalculator |
Calculates the waiting time for resources in environments where the stop of the waiting period
cannot be observed directly.
EventProbe<EventSourceType> |
Event probes measure as soon as an event is emitted for which they are registered.
EventProbeList |
Event probe lists group a list of subsumed, triggered probes that are triggered as soon as an
additional, dedicated event probe emits an event.
ExampleTakeCPUDemandProbe |
Measures a resource demand metric (in SI.SECOND ) by taking the demand emitted from an
active resource (event source), e.g., a CPU.
ExampleTakeCPUStateProbe |
Measures an active resource state metric (dimensionless) by taking the current number of jobs
within an active resource (observed state object), e.g., a CPU.
ExampleTakeCurrentTimeProbe |
Measures a point in time metric (in SI.SECOND ) by taking the current simulation time of a
simulation (observed state object).
ExampleTakePassiveResourceStateProbe |
Measures a passive resource state metric (dimensionless) by taking the number of free
resources within a passive resource (observed state object), e.g., a connection pool.
HoldingTimeCalculator |
Calculates a time span representing the holding time as defined by the HOLDING_TIME_METRIC_TUPLE.
ICalculatorFactory |
Factory interface to create calculator objects.
IdentityCalculator |
Identity calculators are unary calculators that directly let probe measurements pass through.
IProbeListener |
Once probes have new measurements at hand, they have to inform registered observers about these
new measurements.
Probe |
This class is the abstract super class for all probe implementations.
ProbeAndRequestContext |
ProbeFrameworkContext |
This class allows to create context objects for the Probe Framework, i.e., these objects store
state information needed by the Probe Framework.
ProbeMeasurement |
RegisterCalculatorFactoryDecorator |
Decorates an existing ICalculatorFactory by a register for its calculators.
RequestContext |
This class represents the execution context of a request.
ResponseTimeCalculator |
Calculates a time span representing the response time as defined by the
SimpleCPUResource |
Represents a CPU active resource for demonstration purposes.
SimpleMutEx |
Represents a mutex for demonstration purposes.
SimpleSimulationContext |
Represents a simple simulation context for demonstration purposes.
TimeSpanCalculator |
Time span calculators calculate a time span.
TriggeredProbe |
Triggered probes measure as soon as their takeMeasurement method is invoked (with
optional context parameter of type RequestContext , e.g., the thread that triggered
the probe.
TriggeredProbeList |
Triggered probe lists group a set of subsumed, triggered probes.
UnaryCalculator |
This abstract class represents a unary calculator.
WaitingTimeCalculator |
Calculates a time span representing the waiting time as defined by the WAITING_TIME_METRIC_TUPLE.