Package org.palladiosimulator.probeframework.calculator
Calculators attach themselves to (a set of) probes to transform their
measures to a measurement to be used further (e.g., for visualization or
recording). Therefore, they specify which measures are of interest outside
from analyzers.
For example, the response time calculator provides probes for start and end
time. Another example is the identity calculator that directly lets probe
measurements pass through.
This package provides a factory class (@see DefaultCalculatorFactory)
to create such calculator objects.
Interface Summary Interface Description CalculatorRegistryListener Clients can register with the calculator registry to be notified upon changes.ICalculatorFactory Factory interface to create calculator objects. -
Class Summary Class Description Calculator This class is the abstract super class for all calculator implementations.DefaultCalculatorFactory Default implementation of ICalculatorFactory.RegisterCalculatorFactoryDecorator Decorates an existing ICalculatorFactory by a register for its calculators.