Class ProbeFrameworkContext

  • public class ProbeFrameworkContext
    extends Object
    This class allows to create context objects for the Probe Framework, i.e., these objects store state information needed by the Probe Framework. The central state information is the employed calculator factory. Therefore, this class maintains a calculator factory member variable. In particular, this class provides the getCalculatorFactory getter method for this factory as well as a finish method for informing the factory about the end of calculator usage.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ProbeFrameworkContext

        public ProbeFrameworkContext​(IGenericCalculatorFactory calculatorFactory)
        Default constructor. Expects a calculator factory to be stored as Probe Framework state information. Internally, this factory is decorated by a register to manage the life-cycle of calculators.
        calculatorFactory - The calculator factory to be used by the Probe Framework.
    • Method Detail

      • getCalculatorFactory

        public ICalculatorFactory getCalculatorFactory()
        Please use getGenericCalculatorFactory instead.
        Getter for the calculator factory.
        The calculator factory.
      • getGenericCalculatorFactory

        public IGenericCalculatorFactory getGenericCalculatorFactory()
        Gets the Calculator Factory registered for the current ProbeFrameworkContext.
        the calculator factory
      • getCalculatorRegistry

        public IObservableCalculatorRegistry getCalculatorRegistry()
        Gets the Calculator registry for the current context.
        the calculator registry.
      • finish

        public void finish()
        Call-back method informing about the end of calculator usage.