Class Calculator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    org.palladiosimulator.commons.designpatterns.IAbstractObservable<org.palladiosimulator.measurementframework.listener.IMeasurementSourceListener>, org.palladiosimulator.metricspec.metricentity.IMetricEntity, IProbeListener
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    TimeSpanCalculator, UnaryCalculator

    public abstract class Calculator
    extends org.palladiosimulator.measurementframework.listener.MeasurementSource
    implements IProbeListener

    This class is the abstract super class for all calculator implementations. All specific calculators have to inherit from this class.

    Because calculators have to observe probes, they implement the IProbeListener interface. They also inherit from MeasurementSource, thus, making them to observable objects on their own. For instance, they can provide newly calculated measurements to recorders (recorders implement the IMeasurementSourceListener interface).

    Furthermore, calculators expect a list of probes to be measured before they can do their calculation. For example, a response time calculator needs a measurement series of two probe measurements (one for start time and one for end time of an operation call). For this measurement series, calculators maintain a memory to store measurements of the observed probes. As soon as the last sample arrives, calculators start their calculation by invoking the template method calculate(List).

    When a sample originating from the first probe arrives (after a measurement series has started and before it ended with the last probe), an exception is thrown because the first series of measurements has to be finished first.

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected List<Probe> probes
      List of probes
    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      protected Calculator​(org.palladiosimulator.metricspec.MetricDescription computedMetric, org.palladiosimulator.edp2.models.measuringpoint.MeasuringPoint measuringPoint, List<Probe> childProbes)
      Default constructor.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected abstract org.palladiosimulator.measurementframework.MeasuringValue calculate​(List<ProbeMeasurement> probeMeasurements)
      Calculates a measurement based on a given set of probe measurements.
      boolean equals​(Object obj)  
      org.palladiosimulator.edp2.models.measuringpoint.MeasuringPoint getMeasuringPoint()
      Returns the measuring point serving as the source of measurements.
      int hashCode()  
      void newProbeMeasurementAvailable​(ProbeMeasurement probeMeasurement)
      Call-back method to be informed about new probe measurements.
      void preUnregister()
      This method informs calculators before they are unregistered in the calculator factory.
      • Methods inherited from class org.palladiosimulator.measurementframework.listener.MeasurementSource

        addObserver, getMeasurementSourceListeners, notifyMeasurementSourceListener, removeObserver
      • Methods inherited from class org.palladiosimulator.metricspec.metricentity.MetricEntity

        getMetricDesciption, isCompatibleWith, setMetricDescription
    • Field Detail

      • probes

        protected final List<Probe> probes
        List of probes
    • Constructor Detail

      • Calculator

        protected Calculator​(org.palladiosimulator.metricspec.MetricDescription computedMetric,
                             org.palladiosimulator.edp2.models.measuringpoint.MeasuringPoint measuringPoint,
                             List<Probe> childProbes)
        Default constructor. Creates the observed list of probes and initializes the measurement memory.
        computedMetric - Metric calculated by this calculator.
        measuringPoint - The measuring point serving as the source of measurements.
        childProbes - List of probes.
    • Method Detail

      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • calculate

        protected abstract org.palladiosimulator.measurementframework.MeasuringValue calculate​(List<ProbeMeasurement> probeMeasurements)
                                                                                        throws CalculatorException
        Calculates a measurement based on a given set of probe measurements.
        probeMeasurements - Probe measurements conforming to the registered probes of this calculator.
        AbstractMeasureProvider that conforms to the static declaration of the metric of this class of calculators.
        CalculatorException - In case something during the execution of the calculator went wrong.
      • getMeasuringPoint

        public org.palladiosimulator.edp2.models.measuringpoint.MeasuringPoint getMeasuringPoint()
        Returns the measuring point serving as the source of measurements.
        The measuring point.
      • preUnregister

        public void preUnregister()
        This method informs calculators before they are unregistered in the calculator factory. This information gives them the chance to remove themselves from observed probes as well as to inform and remove their own observers about being unregistered.