Class DefaultCalculatorProbeSets

  • public final class DefaultCalculatorProbeSets
    extends Object
    This class contains factory methods and identifier for the CalculatorProbeSets which are supported by the standard calculators of the probe framework. This class is by design not an enum as extensions which require a custom probe set should implement a similar ProbeSet helper class for and as part of their specific extension.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultCalculatorProbeSets

        public DefaultCalculatorProbeSets()
    • Method Detail

      • createSingularProbeConfiguration

        public static CalculatorProbeSet createSingularProbeConfiguration​(Probe probe)
        Returns a new CalculatorProbeSet containing only a single probe, e.g. as used by IdentityCalculator.
        probe - the single probe
        a CalculatorProbeSet
      • createStartStopProbeConfiguration

        public static CalculatorProbeSet createStartStopProbeConfiguration​(Probe startProbe,
                                                                           Probe stopProbe)
        Returns a new CalculatorProbeSet containing a start and a stop probe, e.g. as used by TimeSpanCalculator.
        startProbe - the start probe
        stopProbe - the stop probe
        a CalculatorProbeSet
      • createCustomProbeSet

        public static CalculatorProbeSet createCustomProbeSet​(Map<String,​Probe> identifierToProbeMapping)
        Returns a new custom CalculatorProbeSet containing the probes according to the provided mapping.
        identifierToProbeMapping - a map of probe identifier to probe
        the CalculatorProbeSet