All Classes and Interfaces

Represents an abstract active resource for demonstration purposes.
Represents an abstract passive resource for demonstration purposes.
BasicEventProbe<EventSourceType,V,Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>
Basic event probes refer to exactly one base metric description, thus, specializing the general event probe.
BasicObjectStateProbe<StateObjectType,V,Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>
This class realizes a basic triggered probe that observes an object's state, thus, additionally maintaining an observeredStateObject member variable.
BasicTriggeredProbe<V,Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>
Implements the doMeasure method by returning a BasicMeasurement, i.e., a measurement for a BaseMetricDescription.
This class is the abstract super class for all calculator implementations.
This Exception arises if something during the execution of a calculator went wrong.
This registry allows to provide specialized calculator factories for metrics using the eclipse extension point org.palladiosimulator.probeframework.calculator.factories
The CalculatorProbeSet interface captures a set of probes required by a calculator.
This factory is not supposed to be used directly, but as a fallback implementation in case no specialized calculator factory is available.
Clients can register with the calculator registry to be notified upon changes.
This class contains factory methods and identifier for the CalculatorProbeSets which are supported by the standard calculators of the probe framework.
Calculates the waiting time for resources in environments where the stop of the waiting period cannot be observed directly.
Event probes measure as soon as an event is emitted for which they are registered.
Event probe lists group a list of subsumed, triggered probes that are triggered as soon as an additional, dedicated event probe emits an event.
Measures a resource demand metric (in SI.SECOND) by taking the demand emitted from an active resource (event source), e.g., a CPU.
Measures an active resource state metric (dimensionless) by taking the current number of jobs within an active resource (observed state object), e.g., a CPU.
Measures a point in time metric (in SI.SECOND) by taking the current simulation time of a simulation (observed state object).
Measures a passive resource state metric (dimensionless) by taking the number of free resources within a passive resource (observed state object), e.g., a connection pool.
This factory allows to use specialized factories for Calculators of dedicated metrics.
Calculates a time span representing the holding time as defined by the HOLDING_TIME_METRIC_TUPLE.
This interface has been deprecated since it became cumbersome to extend.
This interface provides default implementations to adapt the legacy ICalculatorFactory to the new interface IGenericCalculatorFactory.
Identity calculators are unary calculators that directly let probe measurements pass through.
Factory interface to create calculator objects.
This interface allows to access the Calculators which are currently registered within a ProbeFrameworkContext.
Once probes have new measurements at hand, they have to inform registered observers about these new measurements.
This class is the abstract super class for all probe implementations.
Data class representing a (Probe, RequestContext)-pair.
This class allows to create context objects for the Probe Framework, i.e., these objects store state information needed by the Probe Framework.
Data class representing a (IMeasureProvider, ProbeAndRequestContext)-tuple.
Decorates an existing ICalculatorFactory by a register for its calculators.
This class represents the execution context of a request.
Calculates a time span representing the response time as defined by the RESPONSE_TIME_METRIC_TUPLE.
Represents a CPU active resource for demonstration purposes.
Represents a mutex for demonstration purposes.
Represents a simple simulation context for demonstration purposes.
This probe allows to attach supplementary measurements to a basic probe.
Time span calculators calculate a time span.
Triggered probes measure as soon as their takeMeasurement method is invoked (with optional context parameter of type RequestContext, e.g., the thread that triggered the probe.
Triggered probe lists group a set of subsumed, triggered probes.
This abstract class represents a unary calculator.
Calculates a time span representing the waiting time as defined by the WAITING_TIME_METRIC_TUPLE.