Class JDTClassifierResolver

  • public class JDTClassifierResolver
    extends Object
    This class can be used to find all Java classifiers that are available in a given JDT Java project.
    • Constructor Detail

      • JDTClassifierResolver

        public JDTClassifierResolver()
    • Method Detail

      • getJavaProject

        public org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject getJavaProject​(URI uri)
        Returns the Java project that is located at the given URI. If the project at this locations is not a Java project or if there is no project at all, null is returned.
      • getAllClassifiersInClassPath

        public List<JDTJavaClassifier> getAllClassifiersInClassPath​(org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject project)
        Returns a list of all Java classifiers that are available in the classpath of the given project.
      • getAllClassifiersForPackageInClassPath

        public List<JDTJavaClassifier> getAllClassifiersForPackageInClassPath​(String packageName,
                                                                              org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject project)
        Returns a list of all Java classifiers that are available in the classpath of the given project within the given package. If packageName is null, all classifiers in the project are returned.