ArgumentableImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Argumentable'.
ElementReferenceImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Element Reference'.
IdentifierReferenceImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Identifier Reference'.
MethodCallImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Method Call'.
PrimitiveTypeReferenceImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Primitive Type Reference'.
ReferenceableElementImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Referenceable Element'.
ReferenceImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Reference'.
ReferencesFactoryImpl |
An implementation of the model Factory.
ReferencesPackageImpl |
An implementation of the model Package.
ReflectiveClassReferenceImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Reflective Class Reference'.
SelfReferenceImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Self Reference'.
StringReferenceImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'String Reference'.
TextBlockReferenceImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Text Block Reference'.