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ACQUIRE_ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.util.NameUtil
Ast2SeffJob - Class in
Transformer converting a JDT AST instance into a Palladio Component Model SEFF using the Palladio FluentApiModelGenerator.
Ast2SeffJob(Blackboard<Object>, String, String) - Constructor for class
Ast2SeffVisitor - Class in org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.visitors
Ast2SeffVisitor(ActionSeff, ASTNode, Map<ASTNode, ServiceEffectSpecification>, FluentRepositoryFactory) - Constructor for class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.visitors.Ast2SeffVisitor
Constructor for the visitor object Sets all relevant variables for the public visit functions of the class


BRANCH_ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.util.NameUtil


cleanup(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class
createBlockListFromSwitchStatement(SwitchStatement) - Static method in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.util.SwitchStatementUtil
Switch Statement Util function to define the blocks which get modeled as branch transitions in the SEFF model This function generates a list of all statements from the beginning of the case to the next break or end of the switch statement Therefore statements can be included into several lists when a case is not ended with a break statement


execute(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class


getCatchClauseConditionString(CatchClause) - Static method in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.util.NameUtil
getClassName(Expression) - Static method in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.util.NameUtil
getClassName(MethodInvocation) - Static method in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.util.NameUtil
getElseStatementConditionString() - Static method in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.util.NameUtil
getEntityName(EnhancedForStatement) - Static method in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.util.NameUtil
getEntityName(Expression) - Static method in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.util.NameUtil
getEntityName(ExpressionStatement) - Static method in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.util.NameUtil
getEntityName(ForStatement) - Static method in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.util.NameUtil
getEntityName(IfStatement) - Static method in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.util.NameUtil
getEntityName(MethodInvocation) - Static method in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.util.NameUtil
getEntityName(ReturnStatement) - Static method in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.util.NameUtil
getEntityName(SwitchStatement) - Static method in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.util.NameUtil
getEntityName(TryStatement) - Static method in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.util.NameUtil
getEntityName(WhileStatement) - Static method in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.util.NameUtil
getExpressionClassName(Expression) - Static method in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.util.NameUtil
getIfStatementConditionString(IfStatement) - Static method in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.util.NameUtil
getName() - Method in class
getSwitchCaseConditionString(SwitchCase) - Static method in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.util.NameUtil
getTryStatementConditionString() - Static method in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.util.NameUtil


LOOP_ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.util.NameUtil


NameUtil - Class in org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.util
NameUtil() - Constructor for class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.util.NameUtil

O - package
org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.util - package org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.util
org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.visitors - package org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.visitors


perform(ActionSeff, ASTNode, Map<ASTNode, ServiceEffectSpecification>, FluentRepositoryFactory) - Static method in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.visitors.Ast2SeffVisitor
Function to start the traversal of a MethodDeclaration


RELEASE_ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.util.NameUtil


setBlackboard(Blackboard<Object>) - Method in class
Sets the blackboard of the job.
START_ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.util.NameUtil
STOP_ACTION_NAME - Static variable in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.util.NameUtil
SwitchStatementUtil - Class in org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.util
Computes for a SwitchStatement the case branches in a way that to the case branches, that do not end with break, the following case branch is added.
SwitchStatementUtil() - Constructor for class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.util.SwitchStatementUtil


visit(EnhancedForStatement) - Method in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.visitors.Ast2SeffVisitor
Transformation of a EnhancedForStatement to a LoopAction
visit(ExpressionStatement) - Method in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.visitors.Ast2SeffVisitor
Transform an expression statement to a Method Inlining, Internal Action or External Action
visit(ForStatement) - Method in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.visitors.Ast2SeffVisitor
Transformation of a ForStatement to a LoopAction
visit(IfStatement) - Method in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.visitors.Ast2SeffVisitor
Transformation of an IfStatement to a BranchAction
visit(ReturnStatement) - Method in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.visitors.Ast2SeffVisitor
Generate Set Variable Action for functions with a return statement
visit(SwitchStatement) - Method in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.visitors.Ast2SeffVisitor
Transformation of a SwitchStatement to a BranchAction Usage of the SwitchStatementUtil to break down the different cases to different blocks
visit(SynchronizedStatement) - Method in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.visitors.Ast2SeffVisitor
Transformation of an SynchronizedStatement to a AcquireAction and ReleaseAction with the body between the two actions For all synchronized statements in on component only one passive resource gets modeled
visit(TryStatement) - Method in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.visitors.Ast2SeffVisitor
Transformation of a TryStatement to a BranchAction
visit(VariableDeclarationStatement) - Method in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.visitors.Ast2SeffVisitor
Limitation / Future Work Set Variable Actions only should be modeled for functions with return statement
visit(WhileStatement) - Method in class org.palladiosimulator.somox.ast2seff.visitors.Ast2SeffVisitor
Transformation of a WhileStatement to a LoopAction
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values