Class SimpleModelAnalyzerConfigurationDelegate

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SimpleModelAnalyzerConfigurationDelegate extends de.uka.ipd.sdq.workflow.launchconfig.core.AbstractWorkflowBasedLaunchConfigurationDelegate<SoMoXModelAnalyzerConfiguration,de.uka.ipd.sdq.workflow.Workflow>
The class is defined by the delegate attribute of a launchConfigurationType extension and performs launching for a Model Analyzer launch configuration.
It offers extension points through the Palladio Workflow Engine. Plugins whishing to extend the launch may register their jobs at the extension point de.uka.ipd.sdq.workflow.job offered by de.uka.ipd.sdq.workflow. SoMoX offers three points to extend the workflow (defined by the extension point’s workflowId attribute:
  • org.somox.launch.start: Jobs registering at this workflow id will be executed before any job is run by SoMoX
  • org.somox.launch.modelavailable: Jobs registering at this workflow id will be executed when all of SoMoX’ internal analysis jobs have run, but before the result is saved.
  • org.somox.launch.end: Jobs registering at this workflow id will be executed after all jobs have finished. The model will have been saved at this point.
  • Constructor Details

    • SimpleModelAnalyzerConfigurationDelegate

      public SimpleModelAnalyzerConfigurationDelegate()
  • Method Details