Interface ISoMoXStrategiesFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ISoMoXStrategiesFactory
Abstract factory design pattern used to create all strategies which have an impact on the model extractor using this class.
  • Method Details

    • getInitializationStrategy

      IInitializationStrategy getInitializationStrategy()
      The strategy used to detect initial primitive components in the source code. These initial components are then passed on to the clustering algorithm
    • getDetectionStrategy

      IDetectionStrategy getDetectionStrategy(List<ComponentImplementingClassesLink> components)
      components -
      The strategy used to detect composite components based on the initial components found. Usually this strategy is not exchanged and clustering is used by default.
    • getPostComponentDetectionStrategy

      IPostComponentDetectionStrategy getPostComponentDetectionStrategy()
      The strategy is used to clean up components, remove potentially initial components, etc.