Class BasicFunctionClassificationStrategy

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BasicFunctionClassificationStrategy extends AbstractLibraryCallFunctionClassificationStrategy implements IFunctionClassificationStrategy
Implementation of IFunctionClassificationStrategy. Uses basic heuristics based on the source code decorator and the GAST model to decide on the type of function calls.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • BasicFunctionClassificationStrategy

      public BasicFunctionClassificationStrategy(SourceCodeDecoratorRepository sourceCodeDecoratorRepository, org.palladiosimulator.pcm.repository.BasicComponent primitiveComponent, Root root, MethodCallFinder methodCallFinder)
      sourceCodeDecoratorRepository - The source code decorator which links the component for which to classify statements and the GAST.
      primitiveComponent - The primitive component for which to decide whether the function access represents an external call.
      methodCallFinder -
  • Method Details

    • isExternalCall

      protected boolean isExternalCall( method)
      Description copied from class: AbstractFunctionClassificationStrategy
      Decide whether the given simple statement which is the given function access is an external call, i.e., a call which results in a external call action in the SEFF
      Specified by:
      isExternalCall in class AbstractFunctionClassificationStrategy
      method - The function access to test
      true if the function access is an external call