Class Class2ClassAccessGraphHelper


public class Class2ClassAccessGraphHelper extends Object
A class used as filter to filter the available classes being potential component candidates based on a blacklist of component names
  • Constructor Details

    • Class2ClassAccessGraphHelper

      public Class2ClassAccessGraphHelper()
  • Method Details

    • computeFilteredClass2ClassAccessGraph

      public static org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultDirectedGraph<,ClassAccessGraphEdge> computeFilteredClass2ClassAccessGraph(SoMoXConfiguration somoxConfiguration, Set<> componentsImplementingClasses)
      Computes a map which maps full qualified class names of source classes (FQN) on a set containing tuples (GASTClass, count). Each tuple contains a class which is directly accessed by the source class and the number of (different) accesses from the source to each target class. Visually this is a graph containing the GAST classes as nodes and directed links between the nodes if there is an access from source to target and the link has a weight giving the number of "links" from source to target
      filter - A list of regular expression patterns used to filter the nodes of GAST classes contained in the graph. Matching classes are not added to the graph
      componentsImplementingClasses - The list of classes used in the detected initial components. This list only contains classes filtered by the blacklist as the blacklist is also used in the initial component detection
      A "graph" giving the connections of GAST classes and their number of accesses