Interface IEntity

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    AbstractSimEntityDelegator, AbstractSimProcessDelegator, DesmoJEntity, DesmoJSimProcess, NullEntity, SimulatedProcess, SSJEntity, SSJSimProcess

    public interface IEntity
    An entity represents an object of the real-world system under simulation. However, not all objects which are present in the real system need to be modelled by an entity. Instead, is is usual to restrict the modelling to those objects, which are actually of interest for the given simulation.

    Entities have attributes, which are modified by events.

    For a motivation of the methods isScheduled and reschedule, please refer to the Desmo-J documentation [1].


    • Method Detail

      • isScheduled

        boolean isScheduled()
      • reschedule

        void reschedule​(double delay)