Class DesmoJModel

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      String description()
      void doInitialSchedules()
      void finalise()
      Cleans up when the simulation stops.
      ISimulationConfig getConfiguration()
      Returns the configuration of the simulation run.
      ISimEngineFactory getSimEngineFactory()
      Creation of new elements, e.g.
      ISimulationControl getSimulationControl()
      Offers means to control the simulation run, e.g.
      void init()
      Initialises the simulation.
      void setSimulationControl​(ISimulationControl control)
      void setSimulationEngineFactory​(ISimEngineFactory factory)
      • Methods inherited from class desmoj.core.simulator.Model

        checkCompatibility, connectToExperiment, createReporter, getEntities, getEntity, getExperiment, getParameterManager, getReportables, hasSubModels, init, isConnected, isMainModel, isSubModel, reset
      • Methods inherited from class desmoj.core.simulator.Reportable

        getCorrespondingSchedulable, getObservations, incrementObservations, incrementObservations, reportIsOn, reportOff, reportOn, resetAt, setCorrespondingSchedulable
      • Methods inherited from class desmoj.core.simulator.ModelComponent

        current, currentEntity, currentEntityAll, currentEvent, currentlySendDebugNotes, currentlySendTraceNotes, currentModel, currentSimProcess, currentTime, debugIsOn, debugOff, debugOn, epsilon, getModel, isExperimentCompatible, isModelCompatible, presentTime, sendDebugNote, sendMessage, sendTraceNote, sendWarning, skipTraceNote, skipTraceNote, traceIsOn, traceOff, traceOn
      • Methods inherited from class desmoj.core.simulator.NamedObject

        getName, getQuotedName, rename, toString
    • Method Detail

      • description

        public String description()
        Specified by:
        description in class desmoj.core.simulator.Model
      • doInitialSchedules

        public void doInitialSchedules()
        Specified by:
        doInitialSchedules in class desmoj.core.simulator.Model
      • finalise

        public void finalise()
        Cleans up when the simulation stops.

        This method is called directly after the simulation have stopped.

        Specified by:
        finalise in interface ISimulationModel
      • getSimEngineFactory

        public ISimEngineFactory getSimEngineFactory()
        Creation of new elements, e.g. events and processes, in the simulation.
        Specified by:
        getSimEngineFactory in interface ISimulationModel
        Factory to create element in the event-based simulation.
      • getSimulationControl

        public ISimulationControl getSimulationControl()
        Offers means to control the simulation run, e.g. to start and stop the simulation.
        Specified by:
        getSimulationControl in interface ISimulationModel
        Controller for the event-based simulation.
      • init

        public void init()
        Initialises the simulation. Especially, the initial events are scheduled here before the simulation starts. If no events are scheduled, the simulator stops immediately after being started.

        This method is called directly before the simulation starts.

        Specified by:
        init in interface ISimulationModel
        Specified by:
        init in class desmoj.core.simulator.Model