All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Class Description AbstractExperiment AbstractSimEngineExtensionHelper Helper class for the extension pointde.uka.ipd.sdq.simulation.abstractsimengine.engine
("Abstract Simulation Engine").AbstractSimEntityDelegator AbstractSimEventDelegator<E extends IEntity> AbstractSimProcessDelegator AbstractSimProcessSemaphoreStrategy AbstractSimulationModel DesmoJConditionWrapper DesmoJEntity DesmoJExperiment DesmoJModel DesmoJSimEngineFactory DesmoJSimEvent<E extends IEntity> DesmoJSimProcess ExtensionPointHelper Helper class for working with the Eclipse extension point mechanism.IEntity An entity represents an object of the real-world system under simulation.ISimEngineFactory ISimEvent<E extends IEntity> A simulated event, which can be scheduled to occur at a specific point in time in the simulated future.ISimEventFactory ISimProcess A simulated process, which executes a sequence of actions as specified by thelifeCycle
method.ISimProcessListener This listener can be registered with aISimProcess
in order to receive a notification whenever the process is suspended or resumed again.ISimProcessStrategy ISimRunnable<E extends IEntity> This interface captures a runnable which is triggered by a simulation event.ISimulationConfig ISimulationControl This interface provides low level controls for the running simulation.ISimulationModel The simulated model is the central class of a discrete-event system simulator.ISimulationTimeProvider This interface provides capabilities to access the current simulation time.NullEntity ProcessState Enumeration of all process states (in analogy to process states of any operating system)SimCondition A condition which is continuously checked over the course of a simulation run.SimpleEventBasedSimEntity A simplified version ofAbstractSimEntityDelegator
.SimProcessCachedThreadPoolStrategy SimProcessThreadingStrategy SimulatedProcess SimulationElement A simulation element is a named object which is a part of the simulation model and, as such, needs access to the implementation class of theISimulationModel
interface.SSJEntity SSJExperiment SSJModel SSJSimEngineFactory SSJSimEvent<E extends IEntity> SSJSimProcess Simulation Process implementation for SSJ