Interface IActiveResource

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractActiveResource, SimDelayResource, SimFCFSResource, SimProcessorSharingResource, SimProcessorSharingResourceLinuxO1, SimProcessorSharingResourceWindows

public interface IActiveResource
An active resource can execute demands of schedulable processes. Active resources are shared by multiple processes so that they need to use scheduling strategies to assign processing time of the resources to processes.
  • Method Details

    • process

      void process(ISchedulableProcess process, int resourceServiceId, Map<String,Serializable> parameterMap, double demand)
      Processes the specified demand of the process. With additional parameters for the resource.
    • getRemainingDemand

      double getRemainingDemand(ISchedulableProcess process)
      Returns the remaining demand for a process.
    • updateDemand

      void updateDemand(ISchedulableProcess process, double demand)
      Update (currently consuming) demand for a process.
    • start

      void start()
      Creates the initial events for the resource.
    • getId

      String getId()
      Unique identifier of the resource.
    • getName

      String getName()
      Name of the resource.
    • stop

      void stop()
    • registerProcess

      void registerProcess(ISchedulableProcess runningProcess)
    • notifyTerminated

      void notifyTerminated(ISchedulableProcess simProcess)
    • getQueueLengthFor

      int getQueueLengthFor(SchedulerEntity schedulerEntity, int coreID)
      Get the number of processes currently having requests issued to this resource and waiting for the request to complete.
      schedulerEntity -
    • addObserver

      void addObserver(IActiveResourceStateSensor observer)
    • removeObserver

      void removeObserver(IActiveResourceStateSensor observer)