Provides options for the parser.
This package contains an API for parsers that read Java source files and parses them to a Java model instance.
This package contains a single file parser that generates models for Java class files based on the Apache BCEL library.
Contains a parser based on the Eclipse JDT Parser supporting single and multiple files.
Contains the infrastructure for printing Java models.
Contains classes for the creation of proxy objects.
Contains a trivial recovery strategy.
Contains resolvers for the reference resolution based on bindings generated by an Eclipse JDT Parser.
Contains utility classes for the resolution.
This package contains a new Resource implementation for JaMoPP.
This package contains basic classes for the
Byte Code Engineering Library
and constants defined by the
JVM specification.
This package contains the classes that describe the structure of a
Java class file and a class file parser.
This package contains the "generic" part of the
Byte Code Engineering
Library, i.e., classes to dynamically modify class objects and
byte code instructions.
This package contains utility classes for the
Byte Code Engineering
Library, namely:
BCEL's verifier JustIce is there to help you dump correct Java class files created or modified with BCEL.
Exception classes used by JustIce, mostly used internally.
Provides PassVerifier classes used internally by JustIce.
Provides a PassVerifier class mostly used internally by JustIce, yielding a control flow graph for public use as
a nice side effect.
Defines the core classes for the Java meta-model.
Extension classes for the Arrays package.
Extension classes for the Classifiers package.
Extension classes for the Commons package.
Extension classes for the Containers package.
Extension classes for the Expressions package.
Extension classes for the Generics package.
Extension classes for the Imports package.
Extension classes for the Literals package.
Extension classes for the Members package.
Extension classes for the Modifiers package.
Extension classes for the References package.
Extension classes for the Statements package.
Extension classes for the Types package.
Extension classes for the Variables package.
Implementation of the core classes.
Contains resolvers for the reference resolution.
Contains deciders for finding targets during reference resolution.
Contains the structures for results of the reference resolution.
Utility classes for the extension classes.