Class JaMoPPJDTParser

    • Constructor Detail

      • JaMoPPJDTParser

        public JaMoPPJDTParser()
    • Method Detail

      • parse

        public JavaRoot parse​(String fileName,
                              InputStream input)
        Description copied from interface: JaMoPPParserAPI
        Reads an InputStream and parses its content into a Java model instance.
        Specified by:
        parse in interface JaMoPPParserAPI
        fileName - name of the Java source file which will be read.
        input - the InputStream to read.
        the created Java model instance or null if the InputStream could not be read.
      • parseFile

        public Resource parseFile​(Path file)
        Description copied from interface: JaMoPPParserAPI
        Reads a file and parses its content into a Java model instance.
        Specified by:
        parseFile in interface JaMoPPParserAPI
        file - the Java source file.
        the created Java model instance contained in its associated Resource instance or null if the file could not be read.
      • parseDirectory

        public ResourceSet parseDirectory​(Path dir)
        Description copied from interface: JaMoPPParserAPI
        Visits all files and directories in a directory and parses all found Java source files. It is assumed that the given directory is a Java source folder containing sub-directories representing a Java package hierarchy.
        Specified by:
        parseDirectory in interface JaMoPPParserAPI
        dir - the directory to search for Java source files.
        a ResourceSet containing all parsed source files with their associated Resources.
      • setResourceSet

        public void setResourceSet​(ResourceSet set)
        Description copied from interface: JaMoPPParserAPI
        Sets the ResourceSet that is used to create Resources if new Resource instances are needed. If no ResourceSet is provided, a ResourceSet is created.
        Specified by:
        setResourceSet in interface JaMoPPParserAPI
        set - the ResourceSet.