Class CompilationUnitExtension

  • public class CompilationUnitExtension
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • CompilationUnitExtension

        public CompilationUnitExtension()
    • Method Detail

      • getContainedClassifier

        public static ConcreteClassifier getContainedClassifier​(CompilationUnit me,
                                                                String name)
        Returns the first ConcreteClassifier that is contained in this CompilationUnit and which has the given name.
        me - the context.
        name - the name of the classifier to search for
        the classifier if one is found, otherwise null
      • getClassifiersInSamePackage

        public static EList<ConcreteClassifier> getClassifiersInSamePackage​(CompilationUnit me)
        me - the context.
        all classes in the same package imports
      • getContainedClass

        public static Class getContainedClass​(CompilationUnit me)
        Returns the class that is directly contained in the compilation unit (if exactly one exists). If the CompilationUnit contains multiple classifiers or if the contained classifier is not a Class, null is returned.
        me - the compilation unit.
        the class directly contained in the compilation unit (if there is exactly one contained classifier that is of type Class)
      • getContainedInterface

        public static Interface getContainedInterface​(CompilationUnit me)
        Returns the interface that is directly contained in the compilation unit (if exactly one exists). If the CompilationUnit contains multiple classifiers or if the contained classifier is not an Interface, null is returned.
        me - the compilation unit.
        the interface directly contained in the compilation unit (if there is exactly one contained classifier that is of type Interface)
      • getContainedAnnotation

        public static Annotation getContainedAnnotation​(CompilationUnit me)
        Returns the annotation that is directly contained in the compilation unit (if exactly one exists). If the CompilationUnit contains multiple classifiers or if the contained classifier is not an Annotation, null is returned.
        me - the compilation unit.
        the annotation directly contained in the compilation unit (if there is exactly one contained classifier that is of type Annotation)
      • getContainedEnumeration

        public static Enumeration getContainedEnumeration​(CompilationUnit me)
        Returns the enumeration that is directly contained in the compilation unit (if exactly one exists). If the CompilationUnit contains multiple classifiers or if the contained classifier is not an Enumeration, null is returned.
        me - the compilation unit.
        the enumeration directly contained in the compilation unit (if there is exactly one contained classifier that is of type Enumeration)
      • addImport

        public static void addImport​(CompilationUnit me,
                                     String nameOfClassToImport)
        Adds an import of the given class to this compilation unit.
        me - the compilation unit.
        nameOfClassToImport - name of the class to import.
      • addPackageImport

        public static void addPackageImport​(CompilationUnit me,
                                            String packageName)
        Adds an import of the given package to this compilation unit.
        me - the compilation unit.
        packageName - name of the package to import.