Class MemberContainerExtension

  • public class MemberContainerExtension
    extends Object
    A utility class that provides methods that belong to class MemberContainer, but can not go there, because MemberContainer is generated.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MemberContainerExtension

        public MemberContainerExtension()
    • Method Detail

      • getContainedClassifier

        public static ConcreteClassifier getContainedClassifier​(MemberContainer me,
                                                                String name)
        me - the container.
        name - name of the classifier.
        classifier with the given name defined in this member container
      • getContainedField

        public static Field getContainedField​(MemberContainer me,
                                              String name)
        me - the container.
        name - name of the field.
        field with the given name defined in this member container
      • getContainedMethod

        public static Method getContainedMethod​(MemberContainer me,
                                                String name)
        me - the container.
        name - the method name to search for
        method with the given name defined in this member container; null, if there is no such method or if there are multiple methods with the same name