Class ClassPathRepository

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ClassPathRepository
    extends Object
    This repository is used in situations where a Class is created outside the realm of a ClassLoader. Classes are loaded from the file systems using the paths specified in the given class path. By default, this is the value returned by ClassPath.getClassPath().
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClassPathRepository

        public ClassPathRepository​(ClassPath classPath)
    • Method Detail

      • storeClass

        public void storeClass​(JavaClass javaClass)
        Stores a new JavaClass instance into this Repository.
        Specified by:
        storeClass in interface Repository
      • findClass

        public JavaClass findClass​(String className)
        Finds an already defined (cached) JavaClass object by name.
        Specified by:
        findClass in interface Repository
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Clears all entries from cache.
        Specified by:
        clear in interface Repository
      • loadClass

        public JavaClass loadClass​(String className)
                            throws ClassNotFoundException
        Finds a JavaClass object by name. If it is already in this Repository, the Repository version is returned. Otherwise, the Repository's classpath is searched for the class (and it is added to the Repository if found).
        Specified by:
        loadClass in interface Repository
        className - the name of the class
        the JavaClass object
        ClassNotFoundException - if the class is not in the Repository, and could not be found on the classpath
      • loadClass

        public JavaClass loadClass​(Class<?> clazz)
                            throws ClassNotFoundException
        Finds the JavaClass object for a runtime Class object. If a class with the same name is already in this Repository, the Repository version is returned. Otherwise, getResourceAsStream() is called on the Class object to find the class's representation. If the representation is found, it is added to the Repository.
        Specified by:
        loadClass in interface Repository
        clazz - the runtime Class object
        JavaClass object for given runtime class
        ClassNotFoundException - if the class is not in the Repository, and its representation could not be found
        See Also: