Class ConcreteClassifierExtension

  • public class ConcreteClassifierExtension
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConcreteClassifierExtension

        public ConcreteClassifierExtension()
    • Method Detail

      • getAllMembers

        public static EList<Member> getAllMembers​(ConcreteClassifier me,
                                                  Commentable context)
        Returns all members of the given classifier including inner classes and all members of super types (extended classes and implemented interfaces).
        me - the given classifier.
        context - to check protected visibility
        member list
      • getQualifiedName

        public static String getQualifiedName​(ConcreteClassifier me)
        Returns the qualified name of this concrete classifier.
        me - the classifier to return the qualified name for.
        the qualified name.
      • isJavaLangObject

        public static boolean isJavaLangObject​(ConcreteClassifier clazz)
        Returns true if the given ConcreteClassifier is java.lang.Object. Attention: This method does not take the ConcreteClassifier on which the method is called (me ) as argument as this is not used in the methods implementation.
        clazz - the class to check
        true if clazz represents java.lang.Object, otherwise false