Class NamespaceAwareElementExtension

  • public class NamespaceAwareElementExtension
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • NamespaceAwareElementExtension

        public NamespaceAwareElementExtension()
    • Method Detail

      • getNamespacesAsString

        public static String getNamespacesAsString​(NamespaceAwareElement me)
        Converts the namespaces array of the given namespace aware element into a String representation using package (.) and class ($) delimiters. The method uses the JavaClasspath to determine for each element of the namespace if it identifies a package or a class.
        me - the given namespace aware element.
        single string representation of namespace.
      • getClassifierAtNamespaces

        public static ConcreteClassifier getClassifierAtNamespaces​(NamespaceAwareElement me)
        Assuming the namespace identifies a classifier, that classifier is returned.
        me - the namespace aware element.
        classifier at namespace.