Class VariableExtension

  • public class VariableExtension
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • VariableExtension

        public VariableExtension()
    • Method Detail

      • createMethodCallStatement

        public static ExpressionStatement createMethodCallStatement​(Variable me,
                                                                    String methodName,
                                                                    EList<Expression> arguments)
        Creates a statement that calls the method with the given name on this variable. If the variable's type does not offer such a method, null is returned.
        me - the given variable.
        methodName - name of the called method.
        arguments - arguments of the method call.
        the created call statement.
      • createMethodCall

        public static IdentifierReference createMethodCall​(Variable me,
                                                           String methodName,
                                                           EList<Expression> arguments)
        Creates an expression that calls the method with the given name on this variable. If the variable's type does not offer such a method, null is returned.
        me - the given variable.
        methodName - the name of the called method.
        arguments - the arguments of the called method.
        the reference.