Interface ICompositeJob

All Superinterfaces:
Collection<IJob>, IJob, Iterable<IJob>, List<IJob>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCompositeJob, AbstractExtendableJob, AbstractWorkflowExtensionJob, BlackboardBasedWorkflow, DynamicSequentialBlackboardInteractingJob, DynamicSequentialJob, MWE2SequentialJob, ParallelBlackboardInteractingJob, ParallelJob, SequentialBlackboardInteractingJob, SequentialJob, UIBasedWorkflow, Workflow, XTextGeneratorBlackboardJob, XTextGeneratorJob

public interface ICompositeJob extends IJob, List<IJob>
Interface for composite jobs. A composite job is a list of jobs that form a logical group and are executed together in sequence. The order of the list elements determines the order of the Job's execution.
  • Method Details

    • addJob

      void addJob(IJob job)
      Adds a job to the end of the list of composite jobs.
      job - the job to add