Class CheckEMFConstraintsJob

All Implemented Interfaces:
IBlackboardInteractingJob<MDSDBlackboard>, IJob

public class CheckEMFConstraintsJob extends ModelValidationJob
A job which checks all model constraints implemented by EMF directly or generated using the EMF OCL extension.
  • Constructor Details

    • CheckEMFConstraintsJob

      public CheckEMFConstraintsJob(de.uka.ipd.sdq.errorhandling.core.SeverityEnum errorLevel, String partitionName)
      Create a new constrains check job.
      errorLevel - the error level
      partitionName - The blackboard partition containing the model to be checked
  • Method Details

    • execute

      public void execute(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JobFailedException, UserCanceledException
      Description copied from interface: IJob
      Execute the job. In case of an error throw an exception with a meaningful name which can be understood by a user.
      monitor - the monitor
      JobFailedException - the job failed
      UserCanceledException - the user has chosen to abort the job
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: IJob
      Supply a name of this job. This could be used for a progress monitor.
      the name of the job
    • setBlackboard

      public void setBlackboard(MDSDBlackboard blackboard)
      Description copied from interface: IBlackboardInteractingJob
      Sets the blackboard of this job to the given blackboard.
      blackboard - The blackboard to be used by this job