Package de.uka.ipd.sdq.workflow.extension
Package for the core workflow engine extension management.
Interface Summary Interface Description ExtendableJobConfiguration Interface of the configuration of an extendible job. -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractExtendableJob<BlackboardType extends Blackboard<?>> The super class for an extendible job which is able to look up and instantiate job extension which have registered for a specific work flow by it's id.AbstractExtendableJobConfiguration A configuration for extendible jobs which is able to carry the required launch information to inject this into the extending job delegates.AbstractExtensionJobConfiguration An abstract job configuration which can be instantiated to provide custom configurations to a work flow job extension.AbstractWorkflowExtensionConfigurationBuilder Provides an abstract class for which an implementation has to be provided by a workflow extension job.AbstractWorkflowExtensionJob<BlackboardType extends Blackboard<?>> Abstract extension job.ExtensionHelper Helper class to access installed work-flow extensions.WorkflowExtension<BlackboardType extends Blackboard<?>> A data class composing the relevant elements that form an instance of the work flow extension point.