Class ExtensionHelper

  • public class ExtensionHelper
    extends Object
    Helper class to access installed work-flow extensions.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExtensionHelper

        public ExtensionHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • getWorkflowExtensionsSortedByPriority

        public static List<WorkflowExtension> getWorkflowExtensionsSortedByPriority​(String workflowId)
        Get a list of work-flow extensions registered for a specific work-flow. This method also orders the work-flow extensions by their id.
        workflowId - The id of the work flow to get extensions for.
        the workflow extensions sorted by priority
      • getWorkflowExtensions

        public static List<WorkflowExtension> getWorkflowExtensions​(String workflowId)
        Build the list of extensions registered for a specific work-flow. This method identifies plug-ins extending the work flow extension point and have configured to be applicable for a specific work-flow by its id. When identified the extensions, it instantiates their job, triggers their configuration builder and injects the custom configuration instance into the new job.
        workflowId - The id to get the registered extensions for.
        The list of identified work-flow extensions.