Class DynamicSequentialJob

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ICompositeJob, IJob, Iterable<IJob>, Collection<IJob>, List<IJob>
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class DynamicSequentialJob
    extends SequentialJob
    Implementation of a composite job that guarantees the execution of it's jobs in the order they were added, similar to SequentialJob. In contrast, this class allows for dynamically extending the job queue during job execution. As a drawback the progress reporting is not as accurate anymore. This should particularly allow for repeating the same Job multiple times until a certain condition holds.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DynamicSequentialJob

        public DynamicSequentialJob()
        Instantiates a new order preserving composite job.
      • DynamicSequentialJob

        public DynamicSequentialJob​(String name)
        Instantiates a new order preserving composite job with a specific name.
        name - The name of the job sequence.
      • DynamicSequentialJob

        public DynamicSequentialJob​(boolean cleanUpImmediately)
        Instantiates a new sequential job.
        cleanUpImmediately - Flag if jobs should be cleaned up immediately or not.
      • DynamicSequentialJob

        public DynamicSequentialJob​(String name,
                                    boolean cleanUpImmediately)
        Instantiates a new model workflow job with a specific name and specifying the clean up strategy.
        name - The name of the job sequence.
        cleanUpImmediately - Flag if jobs should be cleaned up immediately or not.