Class EMFProfileApplicationsView

    • Constructor Detail

      • EMFProfileApplicationsView

        public EMFProfileApplicationsView()
        The constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • getAdapter

        public Object getAdapter​(Class adapter)
        Provides the adapters. In particular this is the property sheet. The rest is handed over to super.
        Specified by:
        getAdapter in interface IAdaptable
        getAdapter in class WorkbenchPart
        adapter - to get.
        the adapter.
      • getPropertySheetPage

        public IPropertySheetPage getPropertySheetPage()
        This accesses a cached version of the property sheet.
      • createImage

        public static Image createImage​(ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor)
        After the view has been initialized, this method can be used to create an image for the descriptor. Images created in this way do not need to be extra disposed in the code. Images are created with usage of LocalResourceManager which takes care of disposal when the UI part is disposed.
        imageDescriptor -
        image or null if the image could not be located.