Class ProfileImportResolver

  • public class ProfileImportResolver
    extends Object
    Utility class to resolve profile imports. TODO write to global persistent registry.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ProfileImportResolver

        public ProfileImportResolver()
    • Method Detail

      • resolve

        public static Profile resolve​(ProfileImport profileImport,
                                      ResourceSet resourceSet)
        Tries to resolve the supplied profileImport using the global EPackage.Registry and the local registry of the supplied resourceSet.

        If the Profile could be resolved, it will be set to the Profile.

        profileImport - to resolve.
        resourceSet - used for resolution.
        the resolved Profile or null.
      • persistProfileImport

        public static void persistProfileImport​(ProfileImport profileImport)
        Persists the specified profileImport so that it can be resolved later. This method may change the location for a later resolution.
        profileImport - to persist.
        IllegalArgumentException - if profileImport has no Profile set.